«Artists Give People Something They Didn’t Know They Were Missing.»

Quote above attributed to Daniel Pink (of whom I have not yet researched or know anything about more than desiring to share this quote for its sake alone!).

More quotes that are inspiring me to get off the couch and go keep trying with my current artsy projects (piecing together amazing floral hoops for Etsy shop, choosing prints for baby’s nursery, a few acrylic art pieces to paint for the baby’s nursery, finding and editing legal music for wedding film; drawing and painting of the Cathedral of Saint Paul, Minnesota; setting up an interview for Andrea for the wedding video to be finished up; creating lots of DIY Montessori Method infant mobiles to be prepared ahead; creating a crib skirt based on the tutorial found below, as I am very new at sewing; practicing some hand therapy splinting patterns in felt)…there you have it!

«A master artist is a beginner who kept beginning.»

Love this too:

«If you are willing to do something that might not work, you’re closer to being an artist.»

-Seth Godin

I’ve also been enjoying the initial discovery of becoming a couple of Montessori parents for our home and God willing, for our childcare team in general:

HUGE gold mine of material and resources: http://www.michaelolaf.net/

This makes me smile because I know a certain dad who would squeeze his orange juice every morning with a sweet little toddler:

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